I forgot most of my dream I only remember a beautiful woman who identified with a name I knew but looked very very different than the person I identify the name with that beautiful lady was on top of me it’s like she wanted me to kiss her and I was really tempted but at the end I couldn’t so I looked away and then she kissed me on the cheeks
Dreams that involve forgetting most of the details may indicate a tendency to overlook or ignore certain aspects of one's life. The beautiful woman in your dream who identifies with a name you know but looks different may represent a familiar but transformed aspect of yourself or someone you know in waking life. Her presence on top of you and her desire for you to kiss her may symbolize a temptation or desire for passion and intimacy. Your inability to act on this temptation may indicate a fear of risking emotional vulnerability or a lack of confidence in pursuing what you truly desire. The kiss on the cheek at the end of the dream may suggest a sense of acceptance and affection from this aspect of yourself or person you know, while also indicating a need to explore and express your own desires in a healthy and respectful manner.